Legal & Disclaimer

Name Super Group Dealerships
Tel 011 523 4000
Fax 086 6801469
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Postal 27 Impala Road,Chislehurston,Sandton,2196
Postal P.O. Box 1402, Bedfordview, 2008 is a central marketing service designed to provide our customers with updated information on line of vehicles available for sale throughout all of our Super Group Dealerships.

All enquiries received via this link are routed via a central office to the relevant dealer to take your enquiry further. All enquiries will be monitored and followed up to conclusion by our call centre ladies to ensure that your enquiry receives personal attention, a quick response and that your online experience with us is a happy and “hassle free” one!

Super Group Dealerships and / or its employees, representatives, agents and affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy of information and / or accept responsibility for any inadvertent and obvious errors or omissions in vehicle prices or details reflected and do not accept any liability for any losses or damages that may be incurred including direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential or for any inconvenience that may be experienced as a result of any reliance placed on the finance calculator or on any incorrect information that may inadvertently have been displayed on this website. reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes and amendments to the content contained on this website at any time without any notice. Every effort is made to ensure information loaded is accurate and updated regularly, however errors, technical and or other inaccuracies and typographical errors may occur from time to time.

Vehicle pricing and extras may be subject to change without prior notification and exclude license, registration, documentation and / or delivery fees.No two vehicles are identical; specifications listed are based on averages and mileage on pre-owned vehicles may be subject to change. This information therefore should be considered indicative rather than definitive.

Images displayed may vary to actual vehicles, please contact the dealership to arrange to view and to confirm pricing, extras, specifications and any other details prior to purchase.

The Dealership cannot guarantee the availability of vehicle/s advertised due to the number of enquiries received. Please contact the dealership as soon as possible to secure.

Finance & Insurance

The finance calculator is provided to you on our Finance and Insurance page is for information and convenience purposes only.

It is intended as a guide only, it is based on approximations and is not to be confused with or considered a pre-qualifying tool.

Finance and Loan Instalments are influenced by a variety of factors including but not limited to the financial institution, Value Added Products, insurance cover selected, interest rate, individual credit rating and / or vehicle etc selected and may therefore vary.

Please refer to our Finance and Insurance page and seek appropriate financial advice and or assistance from any of our Finance and Insurance Business Managers located at the dealership before concluding any loan or finance agreements.

Complaints and Dispute Resolution

Super Group Dealerships is bound by the Consumer Protection Act 68, of 2008 and the Automotive Industry Code of Conduct.

Should you be dissatisfied with your experience at any of our motor dealerships please forward the details of your complaint to our Head Office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further investigation or alternatively you may refer the matter to the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa (MIOSA). The correct process to lodge a complaint can be located on their website

Alternatively they may be contacted on:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel 0861 1 MIOSA (0861 1 64672)
Fax 086 630 6141
Postal Address: Suite 56, Private Bag X025, Lynwood Ridge, 0040

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Complaints Policy

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Contact Us

Cnr Van Riebeeck Avenue & Aitken, Greenstone, Edenvale
tel: 010 594 3653
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


© Copyright | Basil Green Ford | Privacy Policy | Legal & Disclaimer | Images for illustration purposes only |*Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE).